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Early Release Review of 'Behind the Door'

The Door. It has been in the small, wooded town of Zarepath, Pennsylvania for as long as anyone can remember. Just The Door.....with no building around it and strange writing on it. And while no-one understands why it is here or who brought it, it is used. People write down all manner of things that they want to change and slide it under the door. And The Door obliges. Wrongs righted....or forgotten, deaths erased....kind must be very careful how you word your request of the door. Written the wrong way and The Door's interpretation may not be quite what you anticipated. The careful wording. This is rule one. Rule two is that you cannot ever, under any circumstances, open the door. Once a request is made, it cannot be remade and you must live with what follows. Kari tried her very hardest to word her request just right. She knew that she could not bring her daughter, Jessica, dead by suicide, back to life......she just wanted the pain to go away. What she did not anticipate was that all of her memories would start leaving her....not just the painful ones. So she returns to The Door and does the unimaginable......she opens it. Only for a moment or two but it is enough. Enough for bizarre creatures to begin appearing throughout town to other folk who have left their own letters. Enough for people to start dying. Enough for occultist Kathy Ryan to be called to help save their town and re-seal The Door if it is not already too late. Fantastically visual and thoroughly enjoyed!

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